Colder temperatures and shorter days of winter can leave many of us feeling less motivated. Join us to combat the winter blues through engaging activities, creative pursuits, and community building. Throughout January and February we have fun, free events for everyone!
1/15 to 2/15 Take It or Leaf It! Plant cutting exchange
1/15 to 3/15 Winter Book Bingo
1/7 Crafternoon 3:30pm -Mini Weaving
1/8 Storytime 10:30am
Page Turners Book Club 1:30pm
1/9 Slow Stitch Gathering 1:30pm
Novel Nights Book Club
1/12 Unspoken Volumes Silent Reading Club 1:00pm
1/14 Crafternoon 3:30pm -Mindful Doodles
1/15 Storytime 10:30am
1/15 Cooking with the Librarians One Pot Cooking* 6:00pm
1/21 Crafternoon 3:30pm -Tiny Scrapbook
Genealogy Group 6:00pm
1/22 Storytime 10:30am
1/25 Snowshoeing / Hike Meetup at Bohn Lake 11:00am
1/28 Crafternoon 3:30pm -International LEGO Day
1/29 Storytime 10:30am
1/30 Children’s Winter Carnival 3:00pm to 7:00pm -Library will have a booth
More events to come in February!