The library happily receives donations in a variety of forms and therefore uses them in a variety of ways. If you have gently used books, movies, music CDs, audio books, games, puzzles, or magazines that you no longer have use for, we can use them! Most will go into our Friends of the Library Book Shop, but sometimes we find items among our donations that make wonderful additions to the library collection. Donating materials to the library is a terrific way to recycle.
Of course, we’re always thrilled to receive monetary donations as well. These range from folks dropping their spare change into the donations jar at the checkout desk (It adds up!) to donations in celebration or memory of a loved one, to an annual gift to the library or Friends of the Library. No matter the size or the frequency, we are always grateful to our generous patrons. If mailing a donation, please use this address:
Wautoma Public Library
PO Box 269
Wautoma, WI 54982
Donations made to the library, whether cash or in kind, are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Read more about it here.
We do not have an option for online donations. Please see the address above to mail donations to the library.
Please select a category to put your donation toward. Make checks payable to Wautoma Public Library.
_________ Programs and Services
_________ Materials- books, movies, games, electronic books and audiobooks (Hoopla & Overdrive)
_________ Furniture
_________ Technology- computers, printer, fax machine, scanner, copier, etc.
_________ Capital Improvements- Lighting, private meeting/study space
_________ Scholarship- for local young adults going into the library field or a library related field
_________ Comfort Corner- essential items for those in need
_________ Other